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[[辞书评介]] [诗歌]   you can say that again, billie

发表于 2006-7-31 08:48:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
by Evie Shockley

southern women serve strife keep lines of pride open
trees are not taller than these broad vessels femmes who
bear fully armored knights clinking from the womb but
a night in whining ardor means black woman compelled how
strange brown vassal on a bed of green needles ingests the
fruit of georgia let that gestate but be-gets no child of the south

blood tells the story do you salute old gory were you born
on a white horse or a black ass everything depends upon
the way your rusty lifeflow writes sutpenmanship if it
leaves blond scribbled across your scalp hurray
and blue inscribed in your eyes praise the cause your literary
blood wins the gene pool its a prize hide your mama baby
at worst you’re a breast-seller compelling octorune but
the best cellars are dark and earthy humid places where fears take
root and grow up to be cowboys yee-haw

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-31 08:49:48 | 显示全部楼层
Evie Shockley

Evie Shockley is the author of The Gorgon Goddess (2001) and a forthcoming book, a half-red sea, both with Carolina Wren Press. Her poetry also appears in Beloit Poetry Journal, Callaloo, Crab Orchard Review, Fascicle, Hambone, HOW2, nocturnes (re)view, Talisman, Poetry Daily: Poems from the World's Most Popular Poetry Website, Rainbow Darkness: An Anthology of African American Poetry, and other journals and anthologies. Shockley is a graduate fellow of Cave Canem and was awarded a residency at Hedgebrook Retreat for Women Writers in 2003. She is an assistant professor of English at Rutgers University, where she teaches African American literature and creative writing.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-31 08:55:45 | 显示全部楼层
her mail is:evies@rci.rutgers.edu

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