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[[新书介绍]] 上海交通大学出版社推出8本马丁文集

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马丁(J. R. Martin)的研究兴趣主要有系统理论、功能理论、语篇语义学、语域理论、语类理论、多模式系统、积极/批评话语分析、教育语言学和社会符号学。1998年当选为澳大利亚人文学会研究员,2003年因其对语言学和语文学的贡献荣获澳大利亚“百年纪念奖章”。曾任Text杂志“评价系统”专刊主编(2003), Discourse & Society 4专刊合刊主编(2004) 发表论文140 篇, 出版著作数十部。代表性著作有 English Text (1992); Working with Discourse(2003)。


1. 系统功能语言学理论
作  者: J.R.Martin
I S B N : 978-7-313-06330-4
出 版 社: 上海交通大学出版社
出版时间: 2010-11-10



The Author's Introduction
Functional components in a Grammar: A Review ofDeployable Recognition Criteria (1984)
Process and Text: Two Aspects of Human Semiosis (1985)
The Meaning of Features in Systemic Linguistics (1987)
Hypotactic Recursive Systems in English: Toward a Functional Interpretation (1988)
Logical Meaning, Interdependency and the Linking Particle [na/-ng] in Tagalog (1995)
Systemic Typology and Topology (with C. M. I. M. Matthiessen) (1991)..
Metalinguistic Diversity: The Case from Case (1996)
Text and Clause: Fractal Resonance (1995)
More Than What the Message Is About: English Theme (1995)
Types of Structure: Deconstructing Notions of Constituency in Clause and Text (1996)
Analysing Genre: Functional Parameters (1997)
Prosodic \"Structure\": Grammar for Negotiation (2004)
Genre, Ideology and Intertextuality:A Systemic Functional Perspective (2006)
Tenderness: Realisation and Instantiation in a Botswanan Town(2008)

2. 语篇语义研究

作  者: J.R.Martin
I S B N : 978-7-313-06329-8
出 版 社: 上海交通大学出版社
出版时间: 2010-11-10




The Author' s Introduction
The Art of Referring: The Speaker's Use of Noun Phrases to Instruct the Listener (with S. R. Rochester) (1977)
How Many Speech Acts? (1981)
Conjunction: The Logic of English Text (1983)
Theme, Method of Development and Existentiality: the Price of Reply (1992)
Reading Positions/Positioning Readers:Judgment in English (1995)
Sin and Grace: Naught for Noughts? (2000)
Beyond Exchange: Appraisal Systems in English (2000)
Factoring out Exchange: Types of Structure (2000)
Cohesion and Texture (2001)
Fair Trade: Negotiating Meaning in Multimodal Texts (2001)
Meaning Beyond the Clause: SFL Perspectives (2002)
Sense and Sensibility: Texturing Evaluation (2004)
Invoking Attitude: The Play of Graduation in Appraising Discourse (with Susan Hood) (2007)

3. 语类研究

作  者: 马丁
I S B N : 978-7-313-07702-8
出 版 社: 上海交通大学出版社
出版时间: 2012-05-07


本卷为《马丁文集》第3卷,收录了马丁自20世纪80年代至2008年发表的13篇关于语类理论的论文,此外,卷末还增补了罗斯写的一篇关于语类的文章。马丁的语类思想大多数来源于对中小学教学实践的研究。本卷主要内容有: 故事语类的意义建构、语篇的语类和语域、叙事语类中的社会语境、语境模式建构、系统功能视角下作为语类的语境等。


  The Author's Introduction

  Types of Writing in Infants and Primary School (1984)
  Lexical Cohesion, Field and Genre: Parcelling Experience and
  Discourse Goals (1984)
  Making New Meanings: Literary and Linguistic Perspectives on the
  Function of Genre in Textual Practice (with Anne Cranny?Francis)
  Macro?genres: The Ecology of the Page(1994)
  Writings/Readings: How to Know a Genre (with Anne Cranny?
  Construing Experience: Some Story Genres (with G. Plum)(1997)
  Genres and Registers of Discourse (with Suzanne Eggins) (1997)
  Register and Genre: Modelling Social Context in Functional
  Linguistics — Narrative Genres (1997)
  Modelling Context: A Crooked Path of Progress in Contextual
  Linguistics (1999)
  A Context for Genre: Modelling Social Processes in Functional
  Linguistics (2001)
  From Little Things Big Things Grow: Ecogenesis in School
  Geography (2002)
  A Universe of Meaning — How Many Practices? (2002)
  Negotiating Values: Narrative and Exposition (2008)

  Supplementary Reading: Genre in the Sydney School (David Rose 2012)



4. 语域研究

作  者: 马丁
I S B N : 978-7-313-07787-5
出 版 社: 上海交通大学出版社
出版时间: 2012-05-03



  The Author's Introduction

  The Development of Register (1983)
  Language, Register and Genre (1984, revised 2008)
  The Discourse of Geography: Ordering and Explaining the Experiential
  World (with P. Wignell & S. Eggins) (1989)
  Literacy in Science: Learning to Handle Text as Technology (1990)
  Writing Science: The Model (1993)
  Technology, Bureaucracy and Schooling: Discursive Resources and
  Control (1993)
  Life as a Noun: Arresting the Universe in Science and Humanities (1993)
  The Discourse of History: Distancing the Recoverable Past (with S.
  Eggins & P. Wignell) (1993)
  Making History: Grammar for Interpretation (2003)
  Construing Knowledge: A Functional Linguistic Perspective (2007)
  Genre and Field: Social Processes and Knowledge Structures in Systemic
  Functional Semiotics (2007)


5. 语篇分析

作  者: 马丁
I S B N : 978-7-313-07758-5
出 版 社: 上海交通大学出版社
出版时间: 2012-05-03




  The Author's Introduction

  On the Analysis of Exposition (with P. Peters) (1985)
  The Language of Madness: Method or Disorder? (1985)
  Danger, Shark: Assessment and Evaluation of a Student Text (with Anne
  Cranny?Francis, Alison Lee, Rob McCormack) (1991)
  Macro?Proposals: Meaning by Degree (1992)
  Interpersonal Meaning, Persuasion and Public Discourse: Packing Semiotic
  Punch (1995)
  Waves of Abstraction: Organizing Exposition (1996)
  Evaluating Disruption: Symbolising Theme in Junior Secondary Narrative
  Grace: The Logogenesis of Freedom (1999)
  Mourning: How We Get Aligned (2004)
  Intermodal Reconciliation: Mates in Arms (2008)
  Boomer Dreaming: The Texture of Re?colonisation in a Lifestyle Magazine


6. 批评话语分析/积极话语分析

作  者: 马丁
I S B N : 978-7-313-07793-6
出 版 社: 上海交通大学出版社
出版时间: 2012-05-03


本书为《马丁文集》第6卷,收录了马丁自20世纪80年代至今发表的14篇文章,内容涉及语言与意识形态的关系。本书收录的2004年题为Positive Discourse Analysis: Solidarity and Change的论文初创了积极话语分析的理论模型,2007年题为English for Peace: Towards a Framework of Peace Sociolinguistics: Response的论文提供了讨论后现代现状的系统功能语言学视角,发人深省。


  The Author's Introduction

  Grammaticalising Ecology: The Politics of Baby Seals and Kangaroos
  Language and Control: Fighting with Words (1990)
  Contratextuality: The Poetics of Subversion (with Anne Cranny?Francis)
  Close Reading: Functional Linguistics as a Tool for Critical Discourse
  Analysis (2000)
  Mapping Meaning: Profiling with Integrity in a Post?Modern World
  (with Robert McCormack 2001)
  Blessed are the Peacemakers: Reconciliation and Evaluation
  Voicing the ‘Other’: Reading and Writing Indigenous Australians
  Negotiating Difference: Ideology and Reconciliation (2004)
  Positive Discourse Analysis: Solidarity and Change (2004)
  Vernacular Deconstruction: Undermining Spin (2006)
  English for Peace: Towards a Framework of Peace Sociolinguistics:
  Response (2007)
  Materializing Reconciliation: Negotiating Difference in a Transcolonial
  Exhibition (with Maree Stenglin) (2007)
  Encounters with Genre: Apprehending Cultural Frontiers (with David Rose
  Recontextualising Indigenous Culture: Genres, Interests and Multimodal
  Affordances (with David Rose) (in press)



7. 教育语言研究

作  者: 马丁
I S B N : 978-7-313-07759-2
出 版 社: 上海交通大学出版社
出版时间: 2012-05-07




  The Author's Introduction

  The Ontogenesis of Written Genre (with John Rothery) (1981)
  Systemic Functional Linguistics and an Understanding of Written Text (1984)
  What a Functional Approach to the Writing Task Can Show Teachers about
  “Good Writing” (with John Rothery) (1986)
  Intervening in the Process of Writing Development (1986)
  Genre and Literacy: Modeling Context in Educational Linguistics (1993)
  In/visible Education: Class, Gender and Pedagogy in Educating Rita and
  Dead Poets? Society (with Anne Cranny?Francis) (1994)
  Linguistics and the Consumer: The Practice of Theory (1997)
  Mentoring Semogenesis: “Genre?based” Literacy Pedagogy (1999)
  Grammar Meets Genre: Reflections on the “Sydney School” (2000)
  Designing Literacy Pedagogy: Scaffolding Asymmetries (with David Rose)
  Metadiscourse: Designing Interaction in Genre?based Literacy Programs
  Interacting with Text: The Role of Dialogue in Learning to Read and
  Write (with David Rose) (2007)
  Genre and Language Learning: A Social Semiotic Perspective (2009)
  Historical Cosmologies: Epistemology and Axiology in Australian
  Secondary School History (with K. Maton & E. Matruglio) (2010)
  Writing and Genre Studies


8. 法律语言研究

作  者: 马丁
I S B N : 978-7-313-07760-8
出 版 社: 上海交通大学出版社
出版时间: 2012-05-07




  The Author's Introduction

  Introduction: Semantic Variation — Modelling Realization, Instantiation and
  Individuation in Social Semiosis (2010)
  ‘Just Like Sort of Guilty Kind of’:The Rhetoric of Tempered Admission
  in Youth Justice Conferencing (with Michele Zappavigna and Paul Dwyer) (2008)
  Syndromes of Meaning:Exploring Patterned Coupling in a NSW Youth
  Justice Conference (with Michele Zappavigna and Paul Dwyer)(2008)
  Realisation, Instantiation and Individuation:Some Thoughts on Identity
  in Youth Justice Conferencing (2009)
  Negotiating Shame: Exchange and Genre Structure in Youth Justice
  Conferencing (with Michele Zappavigna and Paul Dwyer) (2009)
  Negotiating Narrative:Story Structure and Identity in Youth Justice
  Conferencing (with Michele Zappavigna and Paul Dwyer)(2007/2009)
  Negotiating Evaluation:Story Structure and Appraisal in Youth Justice
  Conferencing (with Michele Zappavigna and Paul Dwyer)(2010)
  The Coupling of Gesture and Phonology (with Michele Zappavigna,
  Chris Clirigh and Paul Dwyer)(2010)
  Visualizing Appraisal Prosody (with Michele Zappavigna, Chris Clirigh
  and Paul Dwyer)(2010)
  Beyond Redemption: Choice and Consequence in Youth Justice
  Conferencing (with Michele Zappavigna and Paul Dwyer)(to appear)
  Users in Uses of Language: Embodied Identity in Youth Justice
  Conferencing (with M. Zappavigna, C. Cleirigh and P. Dwyer)
  (to appear)


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