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[[学习策略]] 以色列前进党宣布组联合政府 (Israel's centrist Kadima Party has signed

发表于 2006-5-2 11:16:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
以色列前进党宣布组联合政府 (Israel's centrist Kadima Party has signed a coalition deal)

以色列持中间立场的前进党同极端正统派的沙斯党签署了一项联合协议,从而扫清了获得议会多数的道路。 当局说,新政府将在星期四宣誓就任。




Israel's centrist Kadima Party has signed a coalition deal with the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party, clearing the way for a parliamentary majority. Authorities say the new government will be sworn in on Thursday.

The agreement with Shas, reached late Sunday, gives the coalition of incoming Prime Minister Ehud Olmert control of 67 seats in the 120-member parliament.

A stable majority is crucial to pushing through Mr. Olmert's plan to withdraw from parts of the West Bank and draw Israel's final borders.

Mr. Olmert announced his Cabinet appointments today (Monday). The key position of foreign minister was given to Tzipi Livni. She has been serving as acting foreign minister in recent months. Elder statesman Shimon Peres was named a deputy prime minister. Both are members of the Kadima Party.

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