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发表于 2006-8-18 16:07:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Movement of the crust of the earth 4 or 5 million years ago formed the Benxi water cave. It is beside the Taizi River that situated at the hill land of the east of Benxi. The water cave is 35 kilometers east of Benxi city and 6 kilometers west of Benxi County. It is constituted of water cave, hot spring temple, Pinggou valley, Tiecha temple, the Miaohou Mountain. They distribute along the Taizi River like a band and occupy 42.2 square kilometers. The area of the water cave is 36,000 square kilometers and the length is 2300 meters. The volume of the cave is up to 400,000 cubic meters. It is an important tourism spot of national grade with unique traits.
The Benxi water cave is in the Xiake Mountain that belongs to the hill land of eastern of Liaoning province and it is the edge of the Qian mountain cordillera. The cave is constituted of the main cave and the auxiliary cave. The two caves are back to back there. The main cave is 3000 meters and the water is so clear that it is called Silver River of nine curves. There is no water in the auxiliary cave, and the length is about 280 meters. An exhibition hall of ancient lives has been built in that cave to exhibit the development of the ancient lives. Stalactite, stalagmite, stelae and onyx develop very well with strange appearance. The temperature inside is around 12℃ all year long. The ventilation is good but the humidity is above that outside.
The Taizi River flows near the cave mouth. The cave faces the south and the shape of the cave mouth likes a half moon. It is 13 meters above the water level of Taizi River. The cave mouth is a hall with the height and the width both more than 20 meters, it would host 1000 people. Turn right at the hall is the drought cave. Those drought caves are pleasing by their asymmetrical. Through the entrance of one cave, another will appear right beside you, it is mysterious. The overall arrangement is complicated. The old wells, dragon pool, small lakes and other sceneries are natural spots without human force. They are really amazing. The water cave faces the big hall at the cave mouth. The area of the water is more than one thousand square meters. It is in certain term a small delicate harbor. The images of the boats in the water and the scenery of the stones make it a fairyland. Get down the bank through the bank protecting dam. After passing a corridor you can get on the boat and wander in the water cave. You can enjoy yourself to appreciate how spacious the cave is, how long it is, how deep the water is and how beautiful the waterfall is.
The stalagmites stand on both sides of the river bank in many different kinds of shapes. The stalactites hanged under the roof of the cave, how marvelous they are. There are more than 60 sceneries. Each of the sceneries is with unique beauty. Wander among them; you will forget tedious things out of the cave. The cave is called the treasure of the northern China, the unique spot of the world, the first grade among Asia, seldom found in other parts of the world. And it really deserves that praise.
Long, long ago, ancient people found this cave and resided here. The government has organized to detect this cave for many times after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. The archeologists have found the relics used more than 10,000 years ago.
How to get there: you should contact the Benxi water cave international travel agency
adderss:the railway station of Benxi in Liaoning province
tel:0414-2845715 4891030

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发表于 2006-8-18 23:23:20 | 显示全部楼层

Long, long ago, ancient people found this cave and resided here. The government has organized to detect this cave for many times after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. The archeologists have found the relics used more than 10,000 years ago.

Long Long ago, 这是讲故事的语气吧。thousands / tens of thousands ... / millions of years ago..
organize to? 主语是不行的, be organized to do something? 似乎内容也不像。 组织了若干次勘查。 has orgnized many explorations after...  detect是不行的, for many times. 也似乎不对。
relics used? 古人类用遗迹?那时候对他们来说这可不是遗迹,而且怎么用?一般的说法似乎是遗迹在1000000年前有人类活动的痕迹。。。。。

and the shape of the cave mouth likes a half moon。。。山口的形状喜欢一个半月?like做象的时候不是动词,要用 is like 或者looks like.

The ventilation is good but the humidity is above that outside.  修改 but the humidity is higher than that of the outside.  这个结构是高中英语的例句。 :)


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发表于 2006-8-18 23:31:35 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-8-18 23:54:28 | 显示全部楼层
引用第2楼canway20082006-08-18 23:31发表的“”:


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phonology 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-8-19 00:25:04 | 显示全部楼层
Movement of the crust of the earth 4 or 5 million years ago formed the Benxi water cave.

It is beside the Taizi River that situated at the hill land of the east of Benxi. The water cave is 35 kilometers east of Benxi city and 6 kilometers west of Benxi County. It [?] is constituted of water cave, hot spring temple, Pinggou valley, Tiecha temple, the Miaohou Mountain.
那个加问好的it指代什么,根据英语的就近原则,应该指代Benxi County,但是从文章看来好像有不像。
此外,it 开头的句子也太多了。后面也是如此,主语多次重复,是不是可以合并合并,变化变化,有的改成修饰成分,有的变作分词结构,使句式多样。这篇文章看上去像是翻译的作品,如果有原文,估计更有助于理解。

The cave is constituted of the [是不是用a好一点?] main cave and the auxiliary cave.

The two caves are back to back there. The main cave is 3000 meters and the water is so clear that it is called Silver River of nine curves. There is no water in the auxiliary cave, and the length is about 280 meters.


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-19 07:59:22 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-8-19 08:13:01 | 显示全部楼层
引用第4楼phonology2006-08-19 00:25发表的“”:


虽然俺水平很低,但是因为写不出什么东西,所以闲着没事儿,再进括号挑挑刺儿吧, :)

Movement of the crust of the earth 4 or 5 million years ago formed the Benxi water cave.

  被动句型也不恰当。原因是地壳运动是水洞形成的原因,可是地壳形成可并不只是形成这个水洞而已。比较好的写法是 cave is formed in the movement.... 是在地壳运动中形成的。或者地壳运动时期形成的。。这都是常见的写法

It is beside the Taizi River that situated at the hill land of the east of Benxi. The water cave is 35 kilometers east of Benxi city and 6 kilometers west of Benxi County. It [?] is constituted of water cave, hot spring temple, Pinggou valley, Tiecha temple, the Miaohou Mountain.
那个加问好的it指代什么,根据英语的就近原则,应该指代Benxi County,但是从文章看来好像有不像。
此外,it 开头的句子也太多了。后面也是如此,主语多次重复,是不是可以合并合并,变化变化,有的改成修饰成分,有的变作分词结构,使句式多样。这篇文章看上去像是翻译的作品,如果有原文,估计更有助于理解。

   第一个it句就缺少主语。 原义骨干应该是it is beside... that THE CAVE situated。
  我倒是觉得第二个it应该指的是Benxi County, 但是这里什么所谓的就近原则不成立,应该是上句的主语The cave, 原义如果不是就是翻译的不对了。 the baseball hit the pond. it sunk soon.
还有就是 to the east of .. to the west of...不能省略这个to.

The cave is constituted of the [是不是用a好一点?] main cave and the auxiliary cave.

  我倒是觉得如果前面介绍过了这些main cave 和auxiliary cave, 也可以用the. 但我对auxiliary 地用法有异议,这个词一般指功能上的辅助,比如 auxiliary voltage channel, 辅助电压通道,相对于主通道而言。这里原文是什么意思?

The two caves are back to back there. The main cave is 3000 meters and the water is so clear that it is called Silver River of nine curves. There is no water in the auxiliary cave, and the length is about 280 meters.

  没什么错误?这里就有明显的。 is 3000 meters ??? 深还是宽还是长啊?


  俺还有个建议就是改一句话就改彻底,不改也要把毛病全指出来,要不含含糊糊的,俺这样的小人就可能误解大侠们眼高手低了。  顺便,俺手本来很低,偏巧眼还挺高,以后大家伙儿就甭再含沙射影,指桑骂槐的埋汰俺了,俺先谢谢?

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发表于 2006-8-19 08:19:30 | 显示全部楼层
1)Movement of the crust of the earth 4 or 5 million years ago formed the Benxi water cave.

2)It is beside the Taizi River that situated at the hill land of the east of Benxi.
that应去掉,后面改为the eastern part

3)The water cave is 35 kilometers east of Benxi city and 6 kilometers west of Benxi County.

4)They distribute along the Taizi River like a band

5)It is an important tourism spot of national grade with unique traits.
改为an outstanding national tourist attraction with unique features

6)The temperature inside is around 12℃ all year long.
all the year through

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发表于 2006-8-19 10:30:41 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-8-19 12:24:21 | 显示全部楼层
1.Movement of the crust of the earth 4 or 5 million years ago formed the Benxi water cave. It is beside the Taizi River that situated at the hill land of the east of Benxi. 本句句式表达不符合一般英文的处理手法,建议修改为:Located in the east of Benxi, beside the Taizi River, Benxi Water Cave is a wonder of movement of the earth crust.

2. The water cave is 35 kilometers east of Benxi city and 6 kilometers west of Benxi County. 为了避免重复,建议使用代词:It is about 35 kilometers east of Benxi city and 6 kilometers west of Benxi County.

3.It is constituted of water cave, hot spring temple, Pinggou valley, Tiecha temple, the Miaohou Mountain. 原句代词指代不明,建议修改为:This scenic spot consists of water cave, hot spring temple, Pinggou valley, Tiecha temple, the Miaohou Mountain.

4.They distribute along the Taizi River like a band and occupy 42.2 square kilometers. 动词使用不当,建议修改:They extend along the Taizi River in a belt shape , with a occupancy of 42.2 square kilometers.

5.The area of the water cave is 36,000 square kilometers and the length is 2300 meters. The volume of the cave is up to 400,000 cubic meters. It is an important tourism spot of national grade with unique traits. 在句式处理上,文章略显僵化,应使用多种句式结构。本段修改:Seating 36,000 square kilometers, Water Cave stretches 2300 meters, with a capacity of 400,000 cubic meters (身边缺乏字典,capacity再商榷)

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-19 12:35:42 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-8-19 13:15:01 | 显示全部楼层
1. 我觉得本文要讲本溪水洞,所以文章的开头应该以本溪水洞为主语。开头一句可改成:

The Benxi water cave is located beside the Taizi River in the east of Benxi, Liaoning province,China. It is formed by the crust movement of  of the earth 4 or 5 million years ago.

2. 第二句用了两个地理位置标定本溪水洞,不宜用and链接,否则比较别扭,可改为:

Its coordinate is 35 kilometers east of Benxi city, or 6 kilometers west of Benxi County.

3.第三句用is constituted of 不太合适,constitute 一般用于法律或是政府机构方面,可改为:

It consists of the water cave, Hot Spring Temple, Pinggou Valley, Tiecha Temple, Miaohou Mountain.


They distribute along the Taizi River like a band and occupy the area of totally 42.2 square kilometers.


Especially, the water cave is 2,300 meters in length,36,000 square kilometers in area and up to 400,000 cubic meters in volume.

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phonology 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-8-19 15:58:28 | 显示全部楼层

你那个原因我也看不懂,有点像绕口令 ^-^

It is beside the Taizi River that situated at the hill land of the east of Benxi.  第一个it句就缺少主语。 原义骨干应该是it is beside... that THE CAVE situated。我倒是觉得第二个it应该指的是Benxi County, 但是这里什么所谓的就近原则不成立,应该是上句的主语The cave, 原义如果不是就是翻译的不对了。还有就是 to the east of .. to the west of...不能省略这个to.

第一个it指代前面的东西;第二个it按照英语的规范就是指代Benxi County,这就是就近原则,怎么不成立呢?但是我觉得,文章里作者其实是想指代the cave,这不就搞岔了吗?所以说应该是一个问题。你没有理解我的意思。但是我们的观点是一样的。to the east是句型没错,但是请看看作者的原句。

3)但我对auxiliary 地用法有异议,这个词一般指功能上的辅助,比如 auxiliary voltage channel, 辅助电压通道,相对于主通道而言。这里原文是什么意思?

4)没什么错误?这里就有明显的。 is 3000 meters ??? 深还是宽还是长啊?俺还有个建议就是改一句话就改彻底,不改也要把毛病全指出来,要不含含糊糊的,俺这样的小人就可能误解大侠们眼高手低了。 顺便,俺手本来很低,偏巧眼还挺高,以后大家伙儿就甭再含沙射影,指桑骂槐的埋汰俺了,俺先谢谢?


就写写他吧。他老是写我,也让我“报复”一下 ^_^

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发表于 2006-8-19 21:31:20 | 显示全部楼层

  本溪水洞在侠柯山中,侠柯山属辽东山地,为千山山脉的东北边缘。全洞分主辅两洞,二洞相背而生。主洞为充水溶洞,是一条长达3000米以上的婉蜒幽深的地下长河,河道曲折,清澈见底,故名“九曲银河”,可供游人乘船游览2300米。辅洞为旱洞,长280余米,现已利用天然洞穴,建立了古生物展览馆,再现了亿万年古生物进化过程。洞内钟乳石、石笋、石柱、石华、石慢均发育良好,形状奇异,蔚成大观。洞内温度常年保持在摄氏零上12度左右,自然通风良好,洞内空气与洞外相近 ,仅湿度偏高 ,常年保持在85%左右。
  很早以前,古人类就发现此洞,并在这里居栖息。建国以来,政府多次组织发掘。迄今为止,考古工作者,已在洞口发现了距今约1万年前的新石器时代的文物,磨制的石器,动物的骨骼等;4千年前青铜时代的陶器, 公元前200年至公元后400年的绳形陶,五铢钱等。
20世纪60年代初期,本溪市政府开始着手开发水洞。1983年5月1日,本溪水洞正式对外开放,1987年被列为省级风景名胜区,1992年将被列为国家级风景名胜区。本溪水洞自开放以来,中外游客 ,纷沓而至,摩肩接踵,不绝如缕。仅几年间,就接待了中外游客四百多万人次,其中包括一百多个国家和地区的外宾数万人次 ,中外国家元首四十余位。

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发表于 2006-8-20 00:15:36 | 显示全部楼层
引用第12楼phonology2006-08-19 15:58发表的“”:

你那个原因我也看不懂,有点像绕口令 ^-^

你报复我!你报复我! 我要砸你家玻璃! 门牌号码说出来,我今晚上就去!

另外你名字太长了 我以后叫你 ph..gy吧。要不就挑几个字母 pony...

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发表于 2006-8-20 12:57:10 | 显示全部楼层
Long, long ago, ancient people found this cave and resided here. The government has organized to detect this cave for many times after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. The archeologists have found the relics used more than 10,000 years ago.
Long, long ago,这个词没有必要修改,detect这个词可以修改为explore
The ventilation is good but the humidity is above that outside.
The cave is constituted of the  main cave and the auxiliary cave.
我觉得the比a好,因为那个main cave是大家都已经知道的存在物
The water cave is 35 kilometers east of Benxi city and 6 kilometers west of Benxi County

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发表于 2006-8-21 14:16:11 | 显示全部楼层

Movement of the crust of the earth 4 or 5 million years ago formed the Benxi water cave.
本句是的Benxi water cave我认为应该用大写,是专有名词嘛!应该为Benxi Water Cave.

It is beside the Taizi River that situated at the hill land of the east of Benxi.

The water cave is 35 kilometers east of Benxi city and 6 kilometers west of Benxi County.
同样water cave 应该为大写.

It is constituted of water cave, hot spring temple, Pinggou valley, Tiecha temple, the Miaohou Mountain.
在本句中也有专名大写的问题,应该改过来. 再有本句中的is constituted of应该罕用,可改为一般的is composed of 或是consists of. 还有最后两个专名之间缺少连接词and, 应该为Tiecha Temple and the Miaohou Mountain. 最后一个问题是the Miaohou Mountain 应该为Mount Miaohou 或是Miaohou Mountains.

They distribute along the Taizi River like a band and occupy 42.2 square kilometers.
此句应该为被动语态,distribute应为are distributed.这样以来与后句用and连接有点不太好了,不妨去掉and, 改为occupying 42.2 square kilometers.

The area of the water cave is 36,000 square kilometers and the length is 2300 meters. The volume of the cave is up to 400,000 cubic meters.
此句的中国味英语太浓,试改好下:The Water Cave is 36,000 squre kilometers, 400,000 cubic meters and 2,300 meters long.

It is an important tourism spot of national grade with unique traits.
此句也不地道,看原语有漏译现象,试改如下:They are the places of tourist interest of national level in the North.

The Benxi water cave is in the Xiake Mountain that belongs to the hill land of eastern of Liaoning province and it is the edge of the Qian mountain cordillera.
试改本句如下:The Benxi Water Cave belongs to Mount Xiake, hilly land of east Liaoning province and the northeast edge of Qian Mounts.

The cave is constituted of the main cave and the auxiliary cave.
is constituted of此短语的改动同上。

The two caves are back to back there. The main cave is 3000 meters and the water is so clear that it is called Silver River of nine curves.
3000 meters 后应加3,000 meters long。Silver River of nine curves应为专名,要大写。

There is no water in the auxiliary cave, and the length is about 280 meters.
and the length is about 280 meters改为about 280 meters long,这样简洁一些。

An exhibition hall of ancient lives has been built in that cave to exhibit the development of the ancient lives.
此句用there be句型表达好一点,而且其中的ancient lives 有点不太对,改为:There is an exhibition hall of paleobiology, presenting the development of the ancient lives。

Stalactite, stalagmite, stelae and onyx develop very well with strange appearance. The temperature inside is around 12℃ all year long. The ventilation is good but the humidity is above that outside.
后半句可改为the humidity inside is a little higher than the outside.

The Taizi River flows near the cave mouth. The cave faces the south and the shape of the cave mouth likes a half moon. It is 13 meters above the water level of Taizi River.
the water level of Taizi River 中的Taizi River加the,前后一致。

The cave mouth is a hall with the height and the width both more than 20 meters, it would host 1000 people.
此句改为The height and the width of the cave mouth both are more than 20 meters, having the capacity of holding 1,000 people.

Turn right at the hall is the drought cave. Those drought caves are pleasing by their asymmetrical. Through the entrance of one cave, another will appear right beside you, it is mysterious.
此句another will appear right beside you中的right有歧义,似乎是另一洞永远出现在右边,去掉right。

The overall arrangement is complicated. The old wells, dragon pool, small lakes and other sceneries are natural spots without human force. They are really amazing. The water cave faces the big hall at the cave mouth. The area of the water is more than one thousand square meters.

It is in certain term a small delicate harbor.
in certain term不知是何意,应该是某种意义上说吧!如果是这样改为to a certain degree。

The images of the boats in the water and the scenery of the stones make it a fairyland. Get down the bank through the bank protecting dam.
Get down the bank through the bank protecting dam. 与全文不合,应该为完全句,You can get down the bank across the bank of the protecting dam。

After passing a corridor you can get on the boat and wander in the water cave. You can enjoy yourself to appreciate how spacious the cave is, how long it is, how deep the water is and how beautiful the waterfall is.
The stalagmites stand on both sides of the river bank in many different kinds of shapes. The stalactites hanged under the roof of the cave, how marvelous they are. There are more than 60 sceneries. Each of the sceneries is with unique beauty. Wander among them; you will forget tedious things out of the cave. The cave is called the treasure of the northern China, the unique spot of the world, the first grade among Asia, seldom found in other parts of the world. And it really deserves that praise.
Long, long ago, ancient people found this cave and resided here.
改为In ancient times, people found this cave and resided here.

The government has organized to detect this cave for many times after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China.
The municipal of Benxi city has begun to explore this cave for many times......再有全句的标点在此处有问题,People’s标点应为英文字符。

The archeologists have found the relics used more than 10,000 years ago.
How to get there: you should contact the Benxi water cave international travel agency
adderss:the railway station of Benxi in Liaoning province
tel:0414-2845715 4891030

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-21 15:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
Movement of the crust (crust movement才是对的术语不能随便该的)of the earth(The Earth 啊) 4 or 5 million years ago formed the Benxi water cave. It is beside(along) the Taizi River that situated at the hill land of the east of Benxi. The water cave is 35 kilometers east of Benxi city and 6 kilometers west of Benxi County. It is constituted of water cave, hot spring temple(为啥不用大写啊), Pinggou valley, Tiecha temple, the Miaohou Mountain. They distribute along the Taizi River like a band and occupy 42.2 square kilometers. The area of the water cave is 36,000 square kilometers and the length is 2300 meters. The volume of the cave is up to 400,000 cubic meters. It is an important tourism spot of national grade with unique traits.
The Benxi water cave is in the Xiake Mountain that(为啥不用which) belongs to the hill land of eastern of Liaoning province and it is the edge of the Qian mountain cordillera. The cave is constituted(comprise) of the(a) main cave and the(a) auxiliary cave. The two caves are back to back there. The main cave is 3000 meters (增加long) and the water is so clear that it is called Silver River of (with好些)nine curves. There is no water in the auxiliary cave, and the length is about 280 meters. An exhibition hall of ancient lives has been built in that cave to exhibit(前面有exhibition 这里用show好些) the development of the ancient lives. Stalactite, stalagmite, stelae and onyx develop very well with strange appearance(怪怪的,strange主要是陌生的意思,这里恐怕不合适还不如wonderful漂亮). The temperature inside is around 12℃ all year long. The ventilation is good but the humidity is above that outside.
The Taizi River flows near the cave mouth. The cave faces the south and the shape of the cave mouth likes a half moon. It is 13 meters above the water level of Taizi River. The cave mouth is a hall with the height and the width both more than 20 meters, it would host 1000 people. Turn right at the hall is the drought cave. Those drought caves(前面都单数后面咋就是复数了呢) are pleasing by their asymmetrical(为啥是形容词呢). Through the entrance of one cave, another(还应该有个词啊) will appear right beside you, it is mysterious. The overall arrangement is complicated. The old wells, dragon pool, small lakes and other sceneries are natural spots without human force. They are really amazing. The water cave faces the big hall at the cave mouth. The area of the water is more than one thousand square meters. It is in certain term a small delicate harbor. The images of the boats in the water and the scenery of the stones make it a fairyland. Get down the bank through the bank protecting dam. After passing a corridor you can get on the boat and wander in the water cave. You can enjoy yourself to appreciate(和 enjoy有点意思重复了) how spacious the cave is, how long it is, how deep the water is and how beautiful the waterfall is(感叹句吧,咋!都没有一个呢)
The stalagmites stand on both sides of the river bank in many different kinds of shapes. The stalactites hanged under the roof of the cave, how marvelous they are. There are more than 60 sceneries. Each of the sceneries is with (a) unique beauty. Wander among them; (while you wander among them, )you will forget tedious things out of the cave. The cave is called the treasure of the northern China, the unique spot of the world, the first grade(少个中心词) among Asia, seldom found in other parts of the world. And it really deserves that praise.
Long, long ago, ancient people found this cave and resided here. The government has organized to(可以直接用detected) detect this cave for many times after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. The archeologists have found the relics used more than 10,000 years ago.
How to get there: you should contact the Benxi water cave international travel agency
adderss:the railway station of Benxi in Liaoning province
tel:0414-2845715 4891030

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