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[[小语种资源]] 论林业有害生物管理工作的标准化

发表于 2006-9-7 20:19:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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(1.国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站,辽宁  沈阳 110034;2.丹东市林业局,辽宁 丹东 118000)


The standardization of the forestry pests control
(1.The General Station of Forest Pest management, ministry of forestry, Shenyang, Liaoning 110034; 2 forest station of Dandong, Dandong, Liaoning, 118000)
Abstract: This paper briefly introduced the basic conception of standardization and the status of the forestry pests control standardization. It expatiated on the importance of expediting the forestry pest control standardization, brought forward the framework for forestry pest control standardization in our country and the chief countermeasures that should be taken action.
Key words: forestry pest; standard; standardization; standard system


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-7 21:23:16 | 显示全部楼层
On the base of introducing the essential conception of standardization and the status of the forestry pests control standardization,the paper expatiated ~

或者“进一步”未体现出来,改成“and then”?

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发表于 2006-9-7 21:48:06 | 显示全部楼层
1. introduced --introduces
2. conception--concept
3. expatiated--further expatiates
4. countermeasures--measures
5. that should be taken action--that should be taken

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ynylb 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-9-7 22:24:05 | 显示全部楼层
1、论林业有害生物管理工作的标准化:The standardization of the forestry pests control
首先,题目译得不错,准确。试比较网络上的这个译文:Standardization of management work

of forestry pest,嘿嘿,像是用翻译软件搞出来的东东。


This paper briefly introduced the basic conception of standardization and the status of the forestry pests control standardization.
建议将status 换成 current status.

3、“加快”这个词语也可用speed up.

4、brought forward the framework for forestry pest control standardization in our country and the chief countermeasures that should be taken action.
个人认为 in our country 应该放在最后修饰整个句子。因为无论是framework 还是 countermeasures,都是就我国情况而言。

5、in our country 最好换成 in China,理由:1、从严格意义上来说,英文摘要是供外国学者查阅的,他不知 our country 指的究竟是哪一个 country; 2、摘要及正文中最好不要出现第一人称,详细理由我已经在对斑竹的另外一个帖子的翻译讨论中作了说明。

On the basis of brief introduction of the basic concept of standardization and the current status of the forestry pests control standardization, the paper emphasizes the importance of
speeding up the standardization of forestry pest control, and ends up bringing forward the
framework for this project and the chief measures that should be taken into consideration in China.

7、说明:斑斑在短短的一篇摘要里连用了三次"forestry pests control standardization", 窃以为不妥,有重复之嫌,故而在上面的翻译中对第二个作了语序变换,第三个则用this project 代替。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-7 23:09:31 | 显示全部楼层


1、论林业有害生物管理工作的标准化:The standardization of the forestry pests control
首先,题目译得不错,准确。试比较网络上的这个译文:Standardization of management work of forestry pest,嘿嘿,像是用翻译软件搞出来的东东。

作为题目, Standardization of Forestry Pest Control 比较好。The似乎可以去掉。Pest control也可以不用加复数吧。

林业局, bureau是不是好点?Ministry似乎是部的意思。 general staion? 总站 是否可以用central station比较好? 我不确定是否这些是专有名词。仅供参考, 第一个 林业局的the也可以去掉。我们讲 i got a letter from CIA.而不是说 I got a letter from the CIA. 是不是?


This paper briefly introduced the basic conception of standardization and the status of the forestry pests control standardization.
建议将status 换成 current status.

一般不特指的话,status指的就是现状。如果一定要强调的话,记得某位老兄讲过 status quo比较合适。

introduces. 别用过去式。

这里有个问题不清楚,需要和作者对照。concept of 的是什么? 是标准化,还是标准化工作?原文只有一个standardization似乎不大准确?同样问题也在标题上。(被误导了)

这里conception是否改为concept比较好? 同样都是概念的意思,但conception用在专业领域也有受精的意思。日常用语中也有构思的意思。。。

3、“加快”这个词语也可用speed up.


4、brought forward the framework for forestry pest control standardization in our country and the chief countermeasures that should be taken action.
个人认为 in our country 应该放在最后修饰整个句子。因为无论是framework 还是 countermeasures,都是就我国情况而言。

put foward. bring forth...这两个哪个都可以。

chief countermeasures...首先,应该用primary. 不是chief. chief往往做首席的意思。别跟我说也有主要的。。。。第一单词都有常用语义,第二chief的主要往往是排他性的。我是chief,你就不能是了。其次这个countermeasure...指的是对策,是相对于对方的策略,计划等等作出的反应和反击,参考这个词counterpart. 都是要有个对应物的。这里的中文对策的意思,翻译成英文就应该是measure.

take action...这是个主语采取行动的意思。应该不用作被动吧。而且往往主语是行动者,而不是行动本身。。measure直接 be taken就够了。

别听他的,in china就不放后面儿。咱中国怎么能往后靠呢?嘿嘿。这里按中文原文来看,是修饰前面的,不是修饰措施的。

5、in our country 最好换成 in China,理由:1、从严格意义上来说,英文摘要是供外国学者查阅的,他不知 our country 指的究竟是哪一个 country; 2、摘要及正文中最好不要出现第一人称,详细理由我已经在对斑竹的另外一个帖子的翻译讨论中作了说明。

On the basis of brief introduction of the basic concept of standardization and the current status of the forestry pests control standardization, the paper emphasizes the importance of
speeding up the standardization of forestry pest control, and ends up bringing forward the
framework for this project and the chief measures that should be taken into consideration in China.


This paper introduces......, expatiates......., and puts forward......就蛮好的。and别省略。

7、说明:斑斑在短短的一篇摘要里连用了三次"forestry pests control standardization", 窃以为不妥,有重复之嫌,故而在上面的翻译中对第二个作了语序变换,第三个则用this project 代替。


最后,关键词是不是比较散啊, pest control是一个词组吧。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-7 23:15:28 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-9-8 10:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
neotsu  都已经把这篇文章修改的很完善了,我只是把标题修改一下,某些地方欠妥。

(1.国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站,辽宁 沈阳 110034;2.丹东市林业局,辽宁 丹东 118000

1.国家林业局有很多种译法,比较确切的说法是: State Forestry Administration,P.R.C
请参考 http://www.forestry.gov.cn/
2.“加快林业...建设”到底是用speed up还是expedite 主要考虑适用场合,因发表的是论文摘要,较正式,故采用expedite  有常用语句如下:  The builders promised to expedite the repairs to the roof.
That will expedite the project.
and ends up bringing forward the
framework for this project and the chief measures that should be taken into consideration in China。  
其实ends up可以去掉,本句有语法错误,into consideration应去掉,我个人认为适当的长句还是可以的:
The standardization of forestry pests control

(1.The General Station of Forest Pest management, State Forestry Administration, Shenyang, Liaoning 110034;      2 forest station of Dandong, Dandong, Liaoning, 118000)
Abstract:  On the basis of brief introduction of the basic concept of standardization and the current status of the forestry pests control standardization in china, the paper emphasizes the importance of expeditng the standardization of forestry pest control, and then puts forward the framework for this project and  chief measures that should be taken  in China.
Key words: forestry pest; standard; standardization; standard system

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-8 11:15:17 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-9-8 14:35:34 | 显示全部楼层
(1.国家林业局森林病虫害防治总站,辽宁 沈阳 110034;2.丹东市林业局,辽宁 丹东 118000)
forestry pests 可以不用复数,全部统一为forestry pest
ministry of forestry林业部的大写吧 Ministry of Forestry
主要措施 major measures
taken action 还要action干吗?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-8 17:05:13 | 显示全部楼层
文中标题部分是forestry pest,作者地址部分出现forest pest ,是否应统一为forestry pest!一点愚见!


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-8 22:50:15 | 显示全部楼层
The standardization of the forestry pests control
标题要简捷明了,而且应该实词要大写: Standardization of the Forestry Pests Control

(1.The General Station of Forest Pest management, ministry of forestry, Shenyang, Liaoning 110034; 2 forest station of Dandong, Dandong, Liaoning, 118000)
(1.General Station of Forest Pest Management, Ministry of Forestry, Liaoning 110034, China; 2 Forest Station of Dandong, Dandong 118000, China)

Abstract: This paper briefly introduced the basic conception of standardization and the status of the forestry pests control standardization. It expatiated on the importance of expediting the forestry pest control standardization, brought forward the framework for forestry pest control standardization in our country and the chief countermeasures that should be taken action.
Key words: forestry pest; standard; standardization; standard system

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-9 00:01:42 | 显示全部楼层


第一,  我觉得楼主的原文逻辑和意思更为清晰明了,句型无需调整。
第二,  楼主两篇译文都好像不太喜欢用连词,英语是“法治”语言,所以不能省,比如“and”之类。
第三,  英语本身是一种抽象程度高的语言,在翻译动词和复杂意群时尤为重要。比如“be taken action”为“be taken”和“innovating thoughts and innovating consciousness”为“innovativeness”。

还有,不同文章有不同特征,所以译摘要可先看看Abstract怎么写。在google上搜“abstract examples”就可以找到很多,比如 http://www.mnsu.edu/research/URC/examples.htm 就有好些。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-9 13:16:15 | 显示全部楼层
1. 尽量用短句,本来就是很长的专业词汇,再用长句使句式成分不分明,意思描述不清。
2. 句式整齐划一,突出重点。

Standardization of Forestry Pest Control

Abstract: The paper briefly presents the fundenmental concept of standardization and the

current situation of the forestry pest control standaradization in China. Accordingly, the

importance of speeding up the forestry pest control is further addressed. Finally, the

framework of the forestry pest control standardization and its major measures are brought


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发表于 2006-9-9 13:18:08 | 显示全部楼层
花了一些时间拜读斑竹和各位网友的文章之后,我个人很是高兴能有一个机会谈谈自己的拙见 (关于我写的内容完全出于提高英语能力之目的,绝非针对任何网友及斑竹)。

1.   首先我认为文章标题中“管理工作”是很重要的,而非大多数网友理解的“林业有害生物防治工作”。因为,从科研实践角度来看,林业有害生物防治是非常复杂多变的,其中包括大量的昆虫、微生物以及外来动植物对原来森林生态系统造成的危害,其中的防与治的工作需要专业的、科学的知识,估计不能简单的遵从某一标准化模式。相反,关于林业有害生物防治的管理工作就有章可循,比如,国家某一地区发生森林病虫害等,林业相关部门应如何采取应急措施,需要政府及社会其他部门作何协助与配合等都是可以讨论的。如此看来,一旦该工作模式得到推广,势必能提高病虫害的防治能力,能将危害降至最低。所以标题似乎应该译作“Standardization of the management of forest pest control”。
2.   林业有害生物,正确的应为forest pest, 不是forestry pest(s). 请广大网友及斑竹留意专业词汇的准确翻译,同时注意forest 和forestry的区别。
3.   从原文作者的意图及逻辑分析层面看,阐述加快林业有害生物管理工作标准化的重要性、提出实施该项工作的框架及措施是该摘要的主干,而在“介绍标准化概念及我国……等等的情况”为次要内容。这应该在英文摘要的句子结构中体现出来。有些网友(包括斑竹)把次要内容也译成了主要内容,似乎不妥。在此处理上,我同意网友buckingham,wfdm3 的处理方法。
4.   中文摘要的关键词写的不对(原文作者的错误)。中文摘要并未独立出现“林业有害生物”,而是“林业有害生物管理”;另外,文中同样没有提及“标准”一词,而是“标准化”。类似的错误不应该在科技人员身上出现。所以,中文的关键词应改为:林业有害生物管理;标准化;标准系统。这样摘要的关键词才与论文的内容相一致,也符合关键词的作用。
5.   关于作者地址的处理同意网友wfdm3的意见。当然,应该注意大小写的失误。
6.   本文似乎把所有网友的英文摘要全部乱改一气,请别见怪,因为我只从科学、科研的角度出发,而且我也列出自己的论据,请大家参考。
7.   综合以上分析,附上我译的摘要,里面还有不妥之处,恳请大家批评,共同进步。

Standardization of the management of forest pest control
(1.The General Station of Forest Pest Management, State Forestry Administration, Shenyang, Liaoning 110034;    2 Forest Station of Dandong, Dandong, Liaoning, 118000)

Abstract: Based on the main concepts of standardization and the current status of the standardization of management of forest pest control in China, this paper herein expatiated on the importance of expediting the standardization of the management of forest pest control, put forward the corresponding framework of the standard system for the management of forest pest control and related measures that should be taken.
Key words: management of forest pest control; standardization; standard system

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-9-10 10:06:10 | 显示全部楼层
On Standardization of Control on Forest Pests
(1.The General Station of Forest Pest management, ministry of forestry, Shenyang, Liaoning 110034; 2 forest station of Dandong, Dandong, Liaoning, 118000)
Abstract:On the basis of introduction of standardization concepts and forest pests control status in China,this paper farther expounds on the importance of quickening the standization construct of forest pests control,and presents the framework of forest pests control system and the main measures which should be taken in our country.
Key words: forestry pest; standard; standardization; standard system

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kiddawang 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-9-13 17:06:41 | 显示全部楼层
I am a new-comer here. I feel so exiting and happy the time I find the way of learning English like this. I am not an expert on English, but I am working on it.
I have read all the messages above, catch so many flash, and I think this brief abstract has been modified perfectly. But I have some ideas to spare with the friends here.
1.If we can reply the topic in English, and we can pick up some mistakes in the replies, I think it will further our study in English and move on and on.
2.I agree with watermelon, I think standardization is a word used in the management or technology, not on the pest.
3.This abstract emphasizes the latter part of the passage(进一步阐述加快林业有害生物管理标准化建设的重要性,提出我国林业有害生物管理标准体系框架以及应采取的主要措施). So maybe we can adjust the position of certain sentences.
4.In title, except some form words, the first letter of the other words should be put in capitalization.

          Standardization of Management of Forestry Pest Control

(1.The General Station of Forest Pest management, State Forestry Administration, Shenyang, Liaoning 110034; 2. Forest Station of Dandong, Dandong, Liaoning, 118000)
Abstract: This paper emphasizes the importance of expediting the standardization of forestry pest control on the basis of brief introduction of the basic concept of standardization and the current status of the forestry pests control standardization, and puts forward the framework for this project and chief measures that should be taken in China.
Key words: forestry pest management; standardization; standard system

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pochung 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-9-24 10:05:54 | 显示全部楼层
I think the title should be " Standardization of  Management on  Control of Forestry Pests ". "Forestry Pest Control" looks like chinese English.
摘要的开头我同意1搂的翻译, 搂主的"expatiated on "似乎不妥,因为"expatiate"是vt. "the framework"应该为"a framework".
Abstract:"On the base of introducing the essential conception of standardization and the status of the forestry pests control standardization,the paper expatiated the importance of expediting standardization of control of the forestry pest , and then brought forward a framework for standardization of forestry pest control and the chief measures that should be taken action in our country.
Key words: control; forestry pest;  standardization; chief measures

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