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[[求助与讨论]] 2007:铁矿石价格如何涨?

发表于 2006-11-14 16:29:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
从巴西南部城市贝洛奥里藏特(Belo Horizonte)驱车出发,约90分钟之后,你便会看到地面上一个巨大的坑。这个越挖越大的深坑,正在为迅速扩张的中国钢铁业提供原料。
  Roughly 90 minutes by car outside the southern Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte is a huge hole in the ground that gets bigger by the day, feeding the rapid expansion of China’s steel industry.

The site is the Brucutu iron ore mine operated by Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), the Brazilian company that is the world’s biggest supplier of iron ore.

Giant yellow dump trucks trundle around the mine 24 hours a day in an effort to boost production from the project, which was formally inaugurated last month after a $1.1bn development programme.

Much of the new output from Brucutu – due to reach 12m tonnes this year and 30m tonnes in 2008 – is destined for China.

淡水河谷铁矿石业务负责人何塞•马丁斯(José Martins)表示,由于中国本身缺乏高品质铁矿石,预计今年的进口量有望达到3.25亿吨,占全球跨洲铁矿石贸易量的40%。
Because the country lacks enough high-grade iron ore of its own, it is likely to import 325m tonnes of the material this year, or 40 per cent of the world’s trans- continental iron ore trade, says José Martins, CVRD’s director for iron ore.

The large recent growth in China’s steel output and consumption, powered by its rapid expansion, has been the single biggest factor that has driven up steel prices and boosted the global industry’s profits.

China increased its steel output by 176 per cent in the five years to 2005 and its share of world production rose from less than a fifth to nearly one-third.

But many in the steel business hope this growth in China will slow down, reducing the possibility that excessive production will lead to a glut and drive down prices.

淡水河谷及它的两个主要竞争对手——英国的力拓(Rio Tinto)和英澳企业必和必拓(BHP)——对此也颇感担忧。尽管这些公司从中国迅猛增长的铁矿石进口中获利巨大,但它们并不希望看到钢铁市场过度扩张,因为这种局面对它们的业务也有巨大破坏力。
This is also a concern for CVRD and its two main iron ore producing rivals, Britain’s Rio Tinto and the UK/Australian giant BHP Billiton. While these companies have gained immensely from the surge in imports by China, they have no wish to see an over-expansion of the steel market that could prove just as damaging to their businesses.

But Mr Martins shows few signs of worry. He says that the growth in demand for iron ore in China – a good indicator of steel production – is slowing down.

“By 2010, we envisage China importing 460m tonnes of iron ore, out of a world total [for transcontinental trade] of 895m tonnes,” he says.

Mr Martins‘ figures indicate that growth in steel imports by China, expected this year to be 20 per cent ahead of 2005, will begin to decelerate and hit a rate of just 5 per cent in 2010.

CVRD is still spending $1.5bn a year increasing the output of its iron ore mines – which are all based in Brazil – to feed Chinese demand.

This year Mr Martins expects his company to produce 270m tonnes of iron ore, 35m tonnes more than 2005, which should rise to 300m tonnes next year.

Total world iron ore production, including material shipped between continents plus that which is used locally, is estimated this year at 1.2bn tonnes.

瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)驻圣保罗的铁矿石专家罗杰•唐尼(Roger Downey)也认同中国钢铁业增速将开始放缓的观点。
Roger Downey, a S鉶 Paulo-based iron ore expert at Credit Suisse investment bank, shares the view that China’s steel industry will start to temper its growth.

Mr Downey has produced projections for China’s iron ore imports and steel production that fit roughly with CVRD’s forecasts. Estimates based on the projections of both CVRD and Credit Suisse indicate that China will produce 20 per cent more steel this year than last year, but then the rate of growth will fall to 7 per cent in 2007 and 2008.

Another person keeping a close watch on the figures is Xie Qihua, the chairwoman of Baosteel, China’s biggest steel company.

Ms Xie says that there will be a “slowdown” in growth by China’s steel industry. “I disagree with those who say China is going to become a large net exporter of steel because of over-production,” she says.

“In my view, production in China is likely to rise more or less in accordance with internal demand, meaning that scope for an increase in exports is likely to be small.”

阿塞洛-米塔尔(Arcelor Mittal)总裁拉克希米•米塔尔(Lakshmi Mittal),对中国钢铁业的增长前景也很乐观。在米塔尔钢铁(Mittal Steel)发布第三季度业绩报告之际,他会就此发表更多见解。一旦米塔尔完成以269亿欧元(合342亿美元)收购阿塞洛(Arcelor)的交易,新公司将成为全球最大钢铁企业。
Lakshmi Mittal, president of Arcelor Mittal, which will be the world’s biggest steel company on completion of the

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