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[[资源推荐]] 一些流行语的翻译

发表于 2005-7-28 19:44:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1 做面子活:to pay eye-service
2 做得太过火:to overplay one’s hand
3 坐失良机:to miss the boat
4 嘴硬:never say uncle
5 走运 to be setting pretty
6 走向世界 to go global;to be internationally recognized
7 走后门 to secure advantages through influence
8 走红 to become very popular ;big break comes for sb.(突然走红 to spurt into popular ,to gain/command sudden popularity.  再度走红 to stage a comeback  某人不再走红  one’s star has set ;to be through with one’s star )
9 追求真善美 to pursue the true ,the good and the beautiful /pursuance of  the true ,the good and the beautiful
10 抓住机遇 to grasp the opportune time ;to jump/leap at the opportunity
11 抓阄儿 to draw straws
12 主打品牌 a premium brand
13 制服某人 to settle sb.’s hash ;to reduce sb.’s arrogance to zero ;to fully crack down on sb.
14 治理环境脏,乱,差 to change the appearance of the polluted and poorly-managed environment in some places
15 指点迷津 Ariane’s thread ;to show sb. the right way
16 知情不报 to withhold evidence
17 职业道德 professional ethics
18 (对某人)知根知底 to have sb.’s number ;to know sb. from A to Z
19 政治本色 intrinsic political quality
20 政企不开 lack of separation between government and enterprise functions
21 政企分开 to separate government and enterprise functions
22 政出多门 divided politics from various sources
23 正中……的下怀 (of  sth.) to play into sb.’s  hands
24 正经人家 a respectable family
25 这山望着那山高 The grass is always greener on the other hill./to see that the grass is always greener on the other hill
26 找到做某事的窍门(诀窍) to get the hang /skill /method of doing sth.
27 掌上明珠 to be the apple of sb.’s eye
28 站不住脚 (of sth.) not to hold water
29 增加……的透明度 to make …open to the masses /the public
30 再合适不过了 to suit sb. to a  T
31 跃跃欲试 to be itching for a chance to do sth.
32 源远流长 to be longstanding and well-established
33 寓教于乐 edutainment; to combine education with entertainment
33 与时俱进 to keep up with the times
34 与国际接轨 to reach/meet international standard ;to be internationally recognized /acceptable ;to measure up to the advanced world standard ;to be brought up to international standard

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发表于 2005-7-29 10:41:47 | 显示全部楼层
with many thanks

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